Kids' Night Out
Open to WPC Attenders and Youth Group Families; see Matt Williams for details.

Women's Retreat
Two days of worship, fellowship, and growth. Watch the weekly bulletin for details.

WPC Youth Retreat
Youth Group winter retreat: contact Matt Williams for more information.

Over 50s SOUPer Bowl Party
Soup Supper and fellowship at the home of Todd and Pam Giles. Watch the weekly bulletin for more information.

Christmas Eve Worship
This brief candlelit service of Scripture and song offers us a moment to pause in the midst of all the festivities and focus our attention on Christ.

Christmas Choir Rehearsal
Seasonal choir opportunity for all adults and high school juniors and seniors. Contact Sally Powell before first rehearsal to participate. Rehearsing Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 8. Leading in worship Dec 15.

WIC Christmas Party
Ladies, please join us for an evening at the Bluff House at Fort Bluff Camp on Dayton Mountain.

Christmas Choir Rehearsal
Seasonal choir opportunity for all adults and high school juniors and seniors. Contact Sally Powell before first rehearsal to participate. Rehearsing Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 8. Leading in worship Dec 15.

Christmas Choir Rehearsal
Seasonal choir opportunity for all adults and high school juniors and seniors. Contact Sally Powell before first rehearsal to participate. Rehearsing Nov 17, Dec 1, Dec 8. Leading in worship Dec 15.

Swap Shop
Everything is FREE at the Swap Shop, when our church is transformed for a day into a place to donate and/or receive items. Fun and helpful to our congregation, this event is also open to the community.

Good Friday Worship Service
We will remember Christ’s sacrifice in a service of reflection and hope. Scripture and song will frame our worship, and we will be dismissed in silence as we anticipate Easter morning’s victorious shouts of praise. Childcare provided for children age three and under, allowing parents and older siblings to fully participate in a time of quiet worship.